Saturday, March 31, 2012

Snack Attack

Ever had those days when you know your falling off the wagon with your diet?  Well I do for sure, but this time I got to enjoy all my favorite snack foods, and for a change they didn't put an inch on my derriere!!!!   :-)
Now is this not just the cutest thing you have ever seen. And 100% fat free!! Oh happy dance--happy dance!
Carol over at Funthreads put together this delightful pattern. It's not longer on her blog. I got an inside tip that the pattern is going on the market very soon.
Congratulations Carol, the pattern was delightful to make and very very well written! Nice job there girl!

I had a little trouble finding the candy fabrics locally. I did luck into all the Easter fabrics being out and so jelly beans were easy to find. Valentines hearts were still available too. One of our local quilt shops had Halloween candy fabric yet, but my biggest score was from a shop that had a very old bolt of candy fabric. The fabric itself was not all that attractive, but the potential was terrific. I was able to cut out all the little pieces of candy and fuse them on fun fabrics to make my own.

Did that work out well or what??

I really hit the jackpot when I found this fun print with the goldfish cracker skeletons. It was in the kids prints, and just made me laugh, it was perfect for the gumball machine with the cat wrapped around it! :-)
My next challenge was finding something to fill the baskets with. Potato chips, and corn chips were there, I had an old piece of mixed nuts fabric, but what to do for the last basket????

A trip to Wal Mart and passing the candy in the movie department solved that one. I took my camera and shot photos of the candy boxes then printed them out on photo fabric. Heck, you can make any kind of fabric you want with that, and a little imagination, now can't you?
So there you have it. A snack attack for real!  Now don't make me admit that I actually bought some of the candy and snacked on it while I was making this quilt! That's my little secret and if I told you...

Well you know what they say, I would have to kill you!  
:-)  :-)  :-) 
So keep watch for this delightful pattern when Carol gets it to market. It's a hoot to make!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Back to the land of internet service

Just who would have ever known that we would become so consumed with the internet? I sure had no idea how difficult not having constant service would be.  But I have to say, I am thrilled to be back amongst the information highway again! :-)

I was able to sneak into town and get a big ole cuppa java and use there internet on an occasion or two! :-)  It's was all about the java don't ya know!

Young son is half packed and Fed Ex only has 1 more trip to my house to deliver the rest of his worldly goods! I am sure there will be one very happy delivery man when this is all over.
I get to go back up mid May to help him bring his car and trailer down. We will be traveling on the ferry to the Seattle area and driving from here. I have to say, I am very excited about not having to drive the Alcan again, although it was a spectacular drive. Sitting for 5 days on a ferry boat sounds much more appealing to me this time!  I saw in the paper that the whales are back in the Sitka area already, so they prospects of whale watching are very exciting to me!

As I mentioned in my prior post, I got quite a bit of sewing done this trip when we weren't packing. I am very happy with this little quiltie! It's from Fat Cat Patterns. Stop by for your own copy and thank Sindy while your there!

Here's a close up of the blocks. Are those little dolls just too cute or what????

It's a great stash buster.
Happy stitching
See you real soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

No internet!

It has been an interesting time in Alaska this time. No TV or Internet. I feel like I am living in the dark ages. It has been a challenge to deal with, but really now, it wasn't that far in the past where we didn't have all the distractions to begin with!  :-)

But I am enjoying my time from dusk...

to dawn...

We have dug out the trailer to start getting things packed up for the move. Young son is coming home!  It's a bittersweet time...

Oh yes! That is "feet" of snow you see. They actually got 5 feet this year. It's everywhere. And for the record, while he was trying to get the tractor started, I shoveled out the trailer. You know that thing that can't be done by hand! Gheez,  these kids don't know anything about manual labor anymore!  :-)

And I have been sewing up a storm. I wish I could share, but I can't just yet. Although I can tell you that it's gonna be fun!  I have done 2 class samples for this summer and some fun things for Madame Samm's Stash Manicure blog. Actually you should see a post from me, over there, in the next few day!  Keep a watch out...

See you real soon with real Internet!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's done!

Too many days at work, too little time, but I managed to get the quilts done for the condo finally.
I just love McKenna Ryan! I took this block and stretched it over an artist canvas to replace a picture on the wall. It sure makes for a great way to showcase that perfect quilt or block.

Then we adjusted a few more blocks from this line to make a quilt to hang over the bed. A head board so to speak!
It was a rush to finish and deliver before I headed up north for the rest of the month. Unfortunately I didn't have time to get a great photo of it.  I definitely need to improve my photographs of quilts. This looks terribly wonky, but it isn't in real life. Really, it isn't !!  :-)

3 weeks of rest and relaxation, and hopefully a lot of sewing. I know there are boxes to pack, as young son is moving back home this summer, but I will work that in between my other projects!  :-)  I have a suitcase full of em packed!

Not too sure just what I will have for Internet access this time, but I will post as I can!

Update on the new job. They are wonderful folks, who have graciously agreed to allow my crazy schedule, to work with their training. My first day was delightful. What is not to love about sharing my sewing crazies with everyone, and having fun at the same time? The cash register must have balanced as I haven't been fired yet!  :-) I definitely have something fun to look forward to coming home to!

 Happy Stitchin!