Monday, December 31, 2012


It started out to be such a quick and easy project. Heck I had just finished one and it went so well...  Ever heard those famous last words?

I spend my weekend saying some not so lady like things in my sewing room. It's a good thing hubby was at the casino so he couldn't hear me!  :-)
I decided to make another of the Samurai quilts for a friend. I bought some beautiful fabric at the LQS for it, but I needed 1 more piece for a 1 1/2" frame around the center of the block. I had a piece of black tonal that would be perfect. I pieced together and stitched down the lettering in the center of the blocks, and noticed that there was some dye transfer on my machine from the red fabric I chose for the block centers.  I knew I should have prewashed, darn it!  So I made the decision to serge the edges of the top and wash it before I put the Samurai on it, just to be safe.   Well, I thought that was a good idea until this mess came out of the washer.

Horrors!   Never in a million years did I expect the tonal to shred to nothing in the wash. I was so upset. The entire quilt had to be taken apart and put back together. (with a different border no doubt) Yes, there was steam shooting out my ears like razor blades!!!!!
Lets back up a bit. I have always be a proponent for using all types of fabrics. I have never been a quilt shop fabric only snob, and really do feel that a mix of fabrics, is quite acceptable. Heck our budgets can only afford just so much. But after this mess, I am second guessing my decisions all together.
You see this black tonal was a JoAnn's Fabric Keepsake Calico and was $7.99 a yard.
I love the looks of the fabric, but after seeing just how it held up in the wash, I have to ask, just what kind of keepsake could it possibly make? The one that is shot after 1 wash????   Does the fact that it came from China have anything to do with it? After all, we have been bombarded with inferior Chinese products in recent years.  I am putting this mess, on the growing list of why I won't buy Chinese "crap" anymore.
I do realize that washing without something being quilted probably puts a little more stress on the fibers, but for the most part none of the quilt shop quality fabrics had such an issue.
Although it was the red that started it all, and it was a quilt shop fabric that I paid over $10 a yard for.  In it's defense, there was never any issue with dyes running after I washed it. I even thru in a color catcher and there was no sign of red on it anywhere.  Good for that, but you can see, there was some significant raveling that went on with it, in the wash, although nothing like the black.
I wish I had taken more photos of the back of the quilt when it came out of the washer. It was so full of strings that had twisted together, that it took me an hour to trim them all off, so it would lay flat. I had a huge fist full of loose threads.
There is a happy ending to the story. The quilt top is all done and ready to go on the longarm for quilting.
As for myself, I am going to have to do some sole searching about fabrics. My feeling right now is, if I use cheap stuff, it will be for backings and I will serge everything before using it. Or else it will just be used in and art quilt that will never be washed. Time is to precious, to spend it fuming over things out of our control!  Am I right?
On that note I wish you all a very Happy New Year.
If your partying tonight stay safe. As for me the only driving I will be doing at midnight will be the longarm on this quilt. I am hoping that a big ole glass of wine will take the pain of yesterdays torment away!! 

Monday, December 24, 2012

I wish you a Merry Christmas!

Just a little "beef cake" to,
wish you the very best for the holiday season.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Earth Wind and Fire

Remember me telling you about The Quiltery? It's a fabulous Australian web site with delightful quilt patterns and embroidery designs. Now, it took weeks with my crazy schedule to get this done...

But there you have it. I just love it.
Needless to say it's winging it's way to it's new home right now.
Merry Christmas Girlfriend!
I have exciting news here. As of Saturday I will officially be done with training and part time!! Whoop whoop!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I will see my sewing room again soon!
That will give me the time I need, for the Quiltery's brand new Dec pattern.
Now, is this just not the most adorable thing you have seen??
4 more days - 4 more days
Not that I am counting of course!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

I miss my sewing room

It seems like I have spent no time at all, in my sewing room, and I really am not liking that too much.

But I did get my Christmas Stocking for Aunt Pitty Pats swap off in the mail yesterday. 

I can't tell you too much just yet, but it is taking a very long trip to its new home, and I can't wait to see how my partner likes it!

You know, no matter how old we get, we all can appreciate the joys of Christmas! I for one have those visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!   What the heck is a sugar plum anyway?


While I may be clueless about Sugar Plums, I can in fact say, I do know about Elves. Yesterday I took a little trip up to Estes Park with a friend and saw this one cruising down the street.

That's a "yes Virginia" there are elves!! It's too bad I didn't get a better photo, he has a side car with a Christmas tree in it. Unfortunately there were no re-takes on the photo though, he was on a mission and cruised thru the stop light at warp speed!  :-)