Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Time for all Seasons-May

It's May...it's really May!
I'm hoping the snow is gone for good, from my little corner of the world.
I'm ready for some spring blooms and warmer temperatures.
I "may" or "may not" have hinted last month,
 that Carla's basket might suggest that flowers were coming...
winky winky
This applique block is packed with colorful flowers!
Thread painting really brings them to life.
If you have never tried it, what better time.
Drop those feed dogs and just play. There is no right or wrong.
This bright and cheery star block is the pieced option this month.
Pattern available for $1.50 each on link below
Please note what block  you would like sent.
Just Season-sational, I'd say!
It's a word...look it up.
Second thought don't, it might make me a liar!
Don't forget to share your blocks on our Facebook page
We have sponsors who are providing fabulous monthly prizes.
Here is the schedule for this year...

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Christmas Rapping Blog Hop

I was so excited when my friend Nan contacted me
and asked if I would be interested in participating in a blog hop.
She and her friend Margaret...
who comes to find out, lives just an hour away from me.
Oh it's such a small world out there!
...oops, getting back on track here...
These two lovely girls, wrote a new book called
"Christmas RAPPing"
Yep, it's spelled correctly, but it's not the "wrapping" your likely thinking of.
This is a book on Reverse Applique and Paper Piecing...
"Aurifil" thread, "Island Batik" and "June Taylor" generously
sponsored their endeavor
And best yet, it's for everyone, even beginners!
I immediately dove into the book, to see what I wanted to do.
This is "Christmas is Coming", a 32" x 40" advent calendar, you might say!
I went outside the box a bit and went to the far end of the spectrum,
using lime green and hot pink instead of the traditional Christmas colors.
With that change, I decided on a black background.
Just a tad bit different than the colors they used in the book, I'd say.
The traditional colors are beautiful.
But most of you know...I'm nothing, if not non-traditional!
Here's a little tip for you...
I've found that fastest and easiest way for me to see
 what a project will look like in different colors,
is to screen shot a photo and play with the colors in my photo program.
It's a fun way to play and I love entertaining myself with crazy combos!

The corner blocks are "reverse applique"  and the star on top of the tree
is actually made separately and attached with a button!

Button, button, who's got the button?
I used wooden black and white buttons. Not the colors I needed,
 so I picked up a can of  silver glitter spray paint and customized them.
Now they remind me of snowflakes.
This advent calendar starts you off in 
December, with all the mini 1" ornaments hanging at the bottom.
Each day you move one, up onto the tree
and on Christmas Day, your entire tree is decorated.
I must confess here...
Getting Christmas ornaments in March or April, is almost impossible.
I found these on Amazon and had them shipped, but there were
casualties along the way. Sometimes, glass and mail don't play well together.
Kinda like oil and water, I guess.
I will have to wait until June or July,
 when holiday decorations start hitting store shelves, to find more.
Lots of glitz and glitter, bright and cheery colors...
and so much fun to put together.
Thank you Nan and Margaret, for inviting me to play with you!
A big thanks to "Island Batik" for providing me with these gorgeous fabrics.
There's a give away too.
Two lucky people are going to win a bundle of 9 fat quarters
and 3 spools of Aurifil thread, thanks to Island Batik and Aurifil.
Just click the link
 to register.
This photo just made me laugh...
There I am, reflected in the ornament.
Here's looking at you kid!

You can find more on this book at

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Be A Diamond Blog Hop

"Be A Diamond" really stumped me this time. 
So much so, that I was on the fence as to whether I would participate or not.
I'm not usually the one who hesitates about anything, 
but diamonds through me for a loop.
I couldn't even think of anything that was diamond shape 
and heavens knows, I've stitched many.
Then while I was working on another project, the light bulb lit and I realized 
I had been working on diamonds all along, on it.
Yes, it was one of those "DUH" moments.
Wow, this getting old stuff stinks!
I immediately knew just what I wanted to do.
"Full Blown Circus"
You might see a few diamonds in the border at first and think...
well, that was almost not a diamond project!
But when you look a bit closer...
You see my entire background is pieced diamonds.
I bought these emery boards 3 years ago now...almost to the day, 
on the return from a quilt retreat.
I had it in my head that these fun sayings would make a great quiltie,
 for my sewing room.
Now was the time...and my diamond background fabric,
 would make a perfect backdrop.

So I surfed online and found a free circus tent clipart
Then I went to my word program, found a font I liked...
Enlarged it all, and I was off and running.
I'm old school. I still cut and paste...what can I say?
One of these days I need to make myself sit down and learn...
in the words of Howard Wolowitz's (Big Bang Theory) mom, that 
"Fricasta" EQ program!
I have no idea if it's spelled right, but I love the word!
hummm....maybe that needs it's own quilt too.
I love playing with fusible. With so many images online, the sky is the limit.
If you checked out "Suzy Toronto", you know there is no limit to her wit either.
You can find more on her
While this one speaks directly to my heart...
my head is full of ideas!
Oh my...you never know just what you'll find here, now.
Thanks Carol, for hosting this fun filled hop.
Your sweet push, opened the door!

You'll be able to see just what I was working on, when that "eureka" moment hit,
next Monday the 29th.
Make sure you come back an visit me then.

You can see more fabulous "diamond" projects from my fellow bloggers below.
April 22

April 23

April 24

April 25
Seams To Be Sew

April 26
Just Let Me Quilt

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Triangle Friends

Last year, my friend Dione asked me to pattern test this guy!
Finally it made it's way to the top of my long arm pile.
Is this just the cutest?
I absolutely love how Dione sees things. Simple triangles, make such fun animals.
This little "Piggy"...
Splish splash went the "Fish"...
Ribbit says the "Frog"...
Woof woof says the "Dog"...
Polly wanna cracker, says the "Parrot"...
Meow says the "Cat"...

This pattern is now in print, in Issue 26 of "Made Modern" quilt magazine.
You can read more on this fun pattern at Dione's blog 
"Clever Chameleon"
Check it out, she's got some crazy fun things to share and an amazing talent!
It's 38"x53" size is perfect for a baby/toddler quilt.
Or a certain adult who acts like a child most days!
Speaking for myself that is...
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Coming Soon!

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go...
It's that time of the year again.
I've over the snow...
and I'm escaping it all!
Tomorrow I will be in Lancaster PA, meeting up with my favorite New York girls
for our annual quilt retreat.
It's hard to believe we have been getting together yearly, since 2014.
I met these lovely ladies online, and still have to laugh, to think I invited myself
 to their retreat, clear across the country and they said yes. 
It's not everyone who blindly agrees to spend a week with a complete stranger.
Oh how I love these girls!
Looking through old photos, I stumbled on this one!
OMG...nice hair.
With friends who take pictures of me like this...
Who needs enemies, am I right?
We are a very serious group! 
Cause we are hard working girls.
Rats...forgot to edit out those wine glasses again!

Yep, it's going to be a raucous week ahead, I'm sure of it.

Not to worry though, I've got a little something special to share mid-week
with everyone. 
Keep an eye out here!
And there are 2 blog hops when I get back.
I'll be posting on Wednesday April 24th
I'll be posting on Monday April 29th

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Ready Set "GO" with Island Batik

This month "Island Batik" challenged it's ambassadors to make a baby quilt
with the "Accuquilt GO" cutters we received this year.
Let the fun begin!
After pulling out some bright fun fabrics, I started cutting away.
I had some fun with "Y" seams, earlier this year.
While I conquered them, it was a challenge.  
So I decided now was the time to try it again,
using the "GO" and see if that made them easier to stitch.
Well, I'm here to tell you that answer is
Just look at those star points. I'm doing the happy dance here!
Having the corners trimmed instantly for you, makes all the 
difference in the world in piecing.
It makes those points stitch up perfectly...
and takes the "why" out of those "Y" seams!
Winter is finally giving way to spring here, so I
  took advantage of the sunshine to show off these fabulous fabrics.
Kind of makes your heart go pitty-pat, doesn't it?

A big thanks to
For so generously providing us with supplies!
Your both, second to none.
Check out the Accuquilt specials...
Accuquilt Dynamic Promo
The new Spring and Summer catalogue
for "Island Batik" is out, and oh is there eye candy to behold!
You can find it

NOTE: this post contains an affiliate link.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'