Thursday, November 15, 2012

Just Delighted

I was just so delighted to be awarded the  web award.

Heck...let me show you what they wrote


Because is a project designed to improve the quality of online factual content, we want to promote and encourage this on other websites too! was awarded for one or more of the following reasons:
  • Accurate and precise informational content.
  • Interesting and inviting layout and/or writing style.
  • Reliable source for trustworthy content.
  • Unique and entertaining information.

And just who is

Support Us... and Better Online Content:

Because we are community based, information is rated by voting on facts that users know to be true. This way, you can see how trusted that fact is, and how credible that information is before republishing it on your own website or blog.

By linking to us, using, or displaying this award on your website or blog, you are helping to improve the standard of factual content online. For every new visitor that reaches, we learn from that user and improve their experience for next time. Always improving and always moving forward to create a brighter, more alert, and healthier community.


I have always tried to share information to the best of my ability. My goal is inspire and entertain you down this crazy quilting road we all love to travel. With that in mind, this award is icing on my cake!  Thanks to all, who take precious time out of their day to read my blog!  :-)      
You make my day, everyday! 


  1. Wow! Are you getting famous or something???
    Well done and congratulations!

  2. not wishing to be a party pooper - I love reading your blog ;(, but I would be wary of this award - I have received it 3 times now, but I feel it is just a grab to get traffic to their site ;( I would love to be wrong in my assessment of this - but I think it is a bit 'sus'

  3. Congratulations!! Well deserved too.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!