Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I am reading more and more about Google reader going away this summer.
I've decided to join up with Bloglovin like so many others.  If anyone has information to share on either Google reader or Bloglovin, I would love to hear from you.



  1. I am trying/comparing Feedly, Bloglovin and NetVibes. I don't like learning new things. LOL. I need to get into each more.

  2. I use bloglovin & I'm very happy with it.

  3. Does your use of Bloglovin affect your readers? I mean, are you moving to a different blog? I don't know what Bloglovin is.

    1. Jessim, Bloglovin is a replacement for Google Reader; for those of us who use Google Reader. Google Reader will go away and not be available for us after July 1st. There are a number of alternatives available now. I am sure they are all trying to make the transfer from Google Reader easier for us. Bloglovin will not change the actual blogs we read. Moosestash will not change. I hope this helps.

  4. I've been going back and forth with Bloglovin and Feedly. So far, I like Bloglovin on my computer, but Feedly is pretty cool on my iphone.

  5. I am reading you through bloglovin' right now, it was so easy to switch, they just linked up to my google reader and bamm... all 151 blogs that I follow transferred in seconds. And I like it BETTER than google reader because I can open several windows at once, with google reader I couldn't do that.

  6. I tried Bloglovin' and I'm not in love! I can only see 2 weeks of posts (not enough by far), posts are condensed (clicking to read the whole post slows down the reading process too much), and when I do click to see the post it is still in a Bloglovin' frame rather than the webpage. I don't want a magazine-style reader or a list. I'm still shopping and I'm seriously bummed with Google.

  7. check this out

  8. I jumped over to Bloglovin too and really like it so far.

  9. I'm lost. When I click on my blogger dashboard are the blogs that show up in google reader? Or is google reader something else? I tried the bloglovin and really like the larger layout for reading.

  10. I really like Bloglovin. I get a daily email listing all the blogs that had activity. So much easier for me to follow daily.


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