Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year

While it's not a very happy new year for many who are trying to travel at airports across the country, I am trying to keep my perspective!   Let me just tell you, some days it's REALLY hard!  :-)  All the snow and ice storms across the country are pushing every one's patience to the breaking point.

In turn, it's sure kept me from blogging lately. Many long hours and mental exhaustion has made for sleeping thru till I leave for work again!   LOL!!   The up side of all that is, I read that sleeping helps you loose weight!  See, there is a silver lining to everything!   :-)  :-)  Although, I am here to tell you, I am not at that swelt pre-teen weight yet!  Oh, let that not be a sign to travel to come!  HAHAHAHAHA

I do have some very belated thank yous to share with some very special blogging buddies.

This Jolly St Nick was a gift from my good Aussie friend Karen.
And was I gushing over how fabulous he was, when she posted
his photo on her blog. Little did I know, he was on his way to me!
Karen is a master of ribbon art that is for sure.
I can't tell you just how delighted I was to find him in my mailbox.

She also sent me the delightful snowman card to go along with him.
Of course she hand made all her cards too.
Is he just the cutest?

My blogging buddy Robin in Pennsylvania made the adorable table topper for me. Don't you just
love it?

My "Ole St Nick" looked wonderful sitting on the topper during the holidays. The fabrics are just perfect for using year round, so my dining room table is enjoying it now!

Then Sharon sent me the so cool T-shirt and trivet from when she went on a quilt retreat last fall. I was lamenting over how much I wished I was there with her!   LOL!
Never did I expect to get a part of her time there!
Hey Sharon, I got the dud's for the next event!
Oh, but you knew that huh?
I am very excited to say, that I am traveling to NY to meet Sharon and her gang at a quilt retreat in April. I'm taking my evil quiltin sista with me!  I don't know who is more excited about this, them or us!

What can I say, this is what the blogging world is all about. We have become friends over "like" interests, and we love to share with each other!

Can life really get any better?
As for Karen, Robin and Sharon... and so many others, your friendship has met the world to me.

Just a little note:

I am a big fan of getting my blog printed into a book yearly.

              I just like to have something tangible in hand. Kind of my own personal library.

I just ordered year 5, and I do have a tip to share.
PNG photos do not print well. Not that I had any idea what that met, when I make my first couple of books. You can see, that it's a very poor quality photo.
But "hark" I have a conversion tool in my photo program that turns them into JGP files.
Who knew?

I'm sharing this email from Blog to Print that I got the other day and a link to Sharedbooks website.

Check it out if your interested!

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!


  1. A blogger's yearbook? That's a great idea! I hope you are having warm, cozy quilty dreams as you sleep and lose weight. I must be dreaming about cheesecake cause it isn't working for me!

  2. Nice gifts from your friends. That is so sweet.

  3. Those are great gifts and you'll have a great time here in NY on your retreat. I just wish I was going too but I'll be attending MQX that month instead.

  4. Great gifts. Love that Santa. I am a fan of printing my blog as well. It is great to be able to go back and look at what has happened. Plus, heaven forbid if anything happened to my blog, I have a record. I love the idea of having them printed.

  5. So tell me more about sleep and weight loss!!! I will happily sleep for a week if it helps!!!!
    Enjoy all your lovely goodies.
    I love the idea of getting a blog book printed. No-one does it here so I have been looking at getting it done in the US instead.
    Yours look great.

  6. You lucky girl. That santa is amazing. I love him

  7. I love the idea of printing my blog. Thank you so much for this suggestion. I follow you through Bloglovin' and enjoy your blog very much. Any tips on keeping the costs down? Do you break your year into volumes? I had 131 posts in 2013 and the book is adding up to over $150.


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