Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Who's hanging on your tree?

When a friend of mine came up with these guys, I knew I was hooked.
Her inspiration came from Disney car antenna toppers.

Only Kim (the biggest Disney fan I know)
would dream these up.
Now you have to admit, they are too fun!

If you go to Pinterest and look for crochet balls, there are lots of different free patterns.

The one I used is from Naztazia found HERE.  
(Scroll down the page till you see the balls with faces on them)
But while surfing I stumbled on this fabulous Pinterest page for those who just love to crochet...

You've just gotta check these out!

Happy surfing!   And it goes without saying... Happy Holidays!


1 comment:

  1. Never know what is hiding in a tree. When the kids were small it could be star wars characters or a piece of toast. Anything goes!
    These little decorations are far preferable.


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