Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fun Threads Mystery

Do you remember Carol's mystery quilt over at Fun Threads?

I'm thrilled to say, mine is done... and I love it!

Did those blocks give you a clue?

How about this snowball block...

Or this too cute snowman...

Add in a few flakes...

And a few trees...

and these gorgeous Ice Crystal blocks
and what do you get?

Pretty "cool" don't you think?
Nothing tied it together better than the icicles hanging from the bottom!

I have to say, this was so much fun to put together.
There was a little piecing, a little applique, a little paper piecing...
A little bit of everything!
What a wonderful mystery and a fabulous design!
Thanks "sew" very much Carol!

For those of you who live on the east coast...
I'm guessing that your not nearly as thrilled with this right now.
That weather you got this week, surely was not fun.
 I hate to brag, but it was 70 degrees here, when I was taking these photos.

I hope you are all safe, warm and surviving the storm!
What better time to make a commemorative quilt!
After all it beats shoveling all that snow!



  1. This is just darling!!!....although "snow" is becoming an unmentionable 4 letter word in my house.... 14" due tomorrow. I'm hoping the forecast will be wrong. None the less, your snow scene is really cute and comforting. Enjoy!

  2. I love that quilt! I am not too much for holiday quilts but this one is fun!

  3. That is just wonderful. I love that all techniques were used.

  4. Your quilt looks great, Joan. I love those icicles at the bottom.

  5. It is a really great quilt! And yes the icicles add the perfect touch. In fact I see them out all my windows... :)

  6. Just everything about it!

  7. Oh very cute and of course I'm jealous of your warm weather. Someday we arr going to get out of the northeast. I just hate winter!

  8. hi Joan, you did a fantastic job! Such a lively quilt. LOVELY too

  9. AWESOME!!! Thanks for the great post. You are a quilt making machine:)

  10. Great quilt, you are right about those icicles. We are being threatened with more snow for tonight and tomorrow but I don't care I'll be packing for the big move to FL.

  11. I hang my head down in shame, I only made the SNOW part, but my problem is that my BLUE stash is not great, so I felt discouraged, not to mention lots of other things I felt I NEEDED to do too.

  12. This is a really fun quilt. Love the way it has turned out. It looks great!!
    I love the trees and the bottom row of blocks.
    Gorgeous blues.

  13. I missed row 2 how do I get it, thanks for any help.

  14. That's a very exciting project! You did a great job! Sue has been begging me to finish her row quilt.....nag, nag, nag....that's all I hear, some days!


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