Monday, August 15, 2016

Alaska Row by Row 2016


It's done!  It's really finished.
I can actually say that I've completed a row by row and not just
driven (or flown) thousands of miles to collect patterns!
So far I've been a wonderful collector, but it was time for me
to put, some of this pile of patterns into action.
Tell me I'm not the only one with this problem. 
Please, pretty please!!
It might have come in handy a year ago, 
when this crazy addiction started!

As for this quilt...I couldn't get started on it soon enough.
Alaska is my favorite home away from home, and I know I'm biased...
but I do believe they have the best rows of all,  this year.
Topping it off with most of the shops using fabulous batiks in their kits.
Everything played so well together.
I'm not a kit collector, but there was something about these that 
made me grab em all, while I was up there.

This row is just stunning!

I couldn't figure out, just what this was until saw it finished.
What a gorgeous Eagles nest.

If you haven't been following...
Here's the rundown of rows and shops.

Top to bottom

Kenai Fabrics - Kenai 
Bearly Threaded Quilting - Cooper Landing
Seams Like Home - Anchorage
The Quilted Raven - Anchorage
Bearly Threaded Quilting too - Soldotna
Rushin' Tailor's Quilt Alaska - Skagway
The Quilted Raven - Anchorage
(last years row)
Ulmers Drug and Hardware - Homer

Left side 

Quilt Zone - Anchorage

Right side

Kenai Fabrics - Kenai

I rounded out my quilt by adding corners 
with the Eskimo girls from the Quilted Ravens row.
I've long admired Barbara Lavallee's Eskimo art.

With this quilt done, it was time to start focusing on
my Colorado rows.
Last week I took 2 day trips with the Flying Quilters girls, 

This kit gets the award for the best packaging yet.
Not sure if it was the bird house basket or the 
license plate (that speaks to us Flying Quilters)
that we fell in love with first.
But their row is just too cute for words!

This week it's on the road again...
Yes, I'm certifiable!
What can I say?????

Oh, and while I'm thinking of being on the road...
don't forget 

The travels continue and from the comfort of your own home.
A month's worth of bloggers are sharing their rows with you.
It's all free, and you don't have to leave the house to collect them!
I can tell you, I've started on some of the rows, and they are
just out of this world!

Keep on Stitchin'



  1. This turned out great! I love, love those Eskimo girls on the sides!

  2. Your Alaska Row By Row quilt turned out great, Joan! I love each of the rows. I especially love those Eskimo girls! You have me almost wishing I could travel to Alaska to go shop hopping!

  3. It's a gorgeous quilt. One of the nicest row by row quilts I've seen.

  4. Oh wow that is one gorgeous row by row quilt!! Well done on your finish :) I'm hoping some stores might have rows left in 4 weeks time when we get Stateside so I can make a start on collecting some ( yeah we won't mention I still have some quilty supplies left from our last trip two years ago ;-) Seems I am good at collecting goodies for future use too!). Have a great stitchy week! Helen

  5. I declare you a winner! I love how you put these Alaska kits together...and most especially the Eskimo girls in the corners. So far I am a collector of row by row kits and patterns. I'm thinking I might need to collect for one more summer...

  6. Beautiful! I think i need to join a RxR Anonymous. I still haven't done anything with last year's collection. So I promised myself "no 2016s". And promptly broke said promise. [Sigh]

  7. Your Alaska row quilt turned out beautifully. I love the eskimos in the corners. The fabrics are all so beautiful.

  8. I think it is just fabulous! Never collected the rows - not a lot of shops around here that participate. I am looking forward to the upcoming HOp.

  9. You are totally right. These rows are amazing! And so are you!! That is a wonderful quilt you have put together. These rows look stunning in one quilt. How well they work together!!
    You definitely know how to pick them!!!

  10. Such a gorgeous quilt. I agree the Alaska rows have wonderful patterns and colors.

  11. I do love those Alaska rows! Alaska holds sweet memories for me, too, and it is nice that their rows reflect some of the beauty of the state. I also have a stack of patterns that I am nowhere close to putting together, so thanks for giving me hope that it will happen one of these days! :)

  12. WOW - your quilt is awesome. I'm a fan of applique and can appreciate the effort that went into your rows. I can't imagine stitching around all those tiny dog & deer legs! You deserve a blue ribbon!

  13. The Alaska rows are definitely the best. The eagle's nest is stunning! You are not alone. I have 10 or 12 rows from last year. I put the individual rows together, but the rows are not together. It is on my UFO list to complete. A friend collected the Alaska rows on a trip last year... beautiful!

  14. The Alaska rows are definitely the best. The eagle's nest is stunning! You are not alone. I have 10 or 12 rows from last year. I put the individual rows together, but the rows are not together. It is on my UFO list to complete. A friend collected the Alaska rows on a trip last year... beautiful!

  15. Your quilt is fabulous! Beautiful work. And the birdhouse row you collected is adorable.

  16. Wonderful Joan! I really must do my rows (at least the ones I bought kits for!!)

  17. so totally love your row by row.

  18. I saw a pair of Row By Row quilts (by a mother and daughter) at a quilt show last year and knew I had to collect some rows this year. Now seeing your gorgeous finished RxR quilt, I know I just have to get the Rows I collected into a quilt sooner rather than later! You also have affirmed my desire to one day do an Alaska quilt cruise, preferably during the Row By Row season!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!