Friday, March 10, 2017

Mini Madness with Island Batik

It's Mini Madness time, and this year there is a twist.
We have to use either paper piecing or 
English paper piecing for our projects!

I for one, have never played with English paper piecing.
It took me enough years to make friends with paper piecing, as it is.
Yes, there was lots of ripping and unkind words uttered, when I started.
I still have one project in a bag with the book and all the fabrics,
buried deep in my quilt room somewhere. 
It's never going to see the light of day again. I promise that!
Then I stumbled on a really great instructor, who managed to do the impossible...
she made me LOVE paper piecing.
The best way I can explain it to anyone, is once you can figure out thinking upside down and backwards, it's a snap!

Anyway, I was really stumped for a project this time...
Then "Whole Circle Studio"  shared this adorable pattern, 
"Sew Many Colors"
and I knew exactly what I was going to do.

Pairing up these wonderful "Island Batiks" with "Aurifil" thread,
 makes for once fun project! The greatest thing is, with so many 
colors, you can find the perfect match for anything your sewing.

If your a quilter, I'm sure you have seen these iconic
"Auriful" thread spools a time or two.
Check out their big quilt with these spools...
270 colors of delicious!
Yep, its enough to make me drool!

Thanks "Aurifil" Thread and "Island Batik".

Til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. What a lovely quilt. Aurifilspools, that's great. This thread is fantastic to sew with.

  2. I know what you mean about paper piecing! But now I love it, thanks to a class with Eileen of Quiltworks and the Add-a-quarter ruler, I really do enjoy it! Your mini is fabulous...LOVE it! Still working on mine...

  3. I love it! I can't believe the one with the 270 colors! Yikes.

  4. Yes, I am also not a huge fan of any paper piecing. I agree with your description - it is like thinking in reverse.
    Your little quilt is very sweet. I will not go to the Aurifil link as I will want them all!!

  5. Cute Joan! I started on this but.....I only have one spool of thread done.....then I switched to something else LOL! Yours is really neat!

  6. This mini quilt is just adorable! Love it!!

  7. I have a paper piecing project in my UFO drawer. (Can you call it a UFO if you haven't even started it?) I tried a test run and decided to wait until I was smarter to attempt the real thing. Maybe your inspiration will be the dose of smart that will get me started! Love the spools of thread piece.


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