Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Giving Thanks

November brings us Thanksgiving, the United States.
It's a day, where we eat too much, watch a little football maybe, and enjoy family and friends.
It's also a time to reflect, on what we are truly thankful for.

I'm finishing up my 3rd year as an "Island Batik" ambassador.
It's been 3 glorious years of fabulous fabrics, fun projects, and getting to know
fellow ambassadors.
Oh the projects I've done...

If all this isn't enough...
"Island Batik" has generously sponsored me in the Sun, Sand and Sea BOM this year
with Amy at "SewIncrediblyCrazy"

Yes, that's just a whole lot to be thankful for.
If the good lord is willing...
More packages will arrive on my porch from Island Batik in the future.

Would you like to be a part of it all?
Island Batik has ambassador applications for 2018 online now.
You can check it out for yourself

Til next time...
reflect on what your thankful for
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Joan. I, too, am thankful - especially for you. Following you and seeing all your wonderful projects is the best. Reading your blog is such a fun way to spend a bit of time. Thank you, too, for the Zoo Train. You are outstanding; thank you again.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!! You have been a busy lady this year!! I am blown away at all you have achieved!! One of these years I'll have to give it a try, but not until I am at home with my longarm...I really can't quilt on my DSM!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving - what a great line-up of quilts! I think my most favorite of all is the one with the lagoon vista across the top, and three blocks down the center of the green field, with a dolphin and orca (and others) to either side. Do you remember what that one is called?

  4. I do hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I always enjoy seeing what you get to do with your island Batik goodies.


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