Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Time For All Seasons-January

Happy New Year!
What better a way to celebrate than by winding up this BOM,
 with a fabulous finish from none other than our
amazing Amy from "Sew Incredibly Crazy"
She has put the jolly in our January, don't you agree?
Grab these adorable blocks now...
Remember they are free, the month of January only.
After that there will be a small fee.

It's been a fun year getting to see all the blocks you have created with our designs.
We do appreciate all of you, who've taken the journey with us.
Now, a whole new fun begins...
Do I use all the blocks?
Do I keep them in monthly order?
Do I set them on point?
Oh my goodness the choices are endless.
As for me...I've got an idea rattling around in my head, what about you?
We want to see what you come up with, so
don't forget to share not only your blocks, but your completed top
 on our Facebook page
We have sponsors who are providing fabulous prizes.

Here is the complete schedule for this 2019 BOM

April Bonus
May Bonus 
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Monday, December 30, 2019

What's Happening in 2020

Starting January 1, 2020

Are you ready for some laughs?
In just a couple of days, I will be kicking off "365 Silly Holidays" on Instagram.

Did you know there is a holiday, every day of the year?
Some are absolutely crazy silly, and that's what makes them so fun.
Every day I will be posting a 8"x10" quiltie, celebrating the day.

Brownielocks is my favorite website with monthly calendars of silliness, 
but there are others out there, too.

Jump in and join in on the fun...find a day that tickles you fancy and post
a photo to Instagram with the hashtags
#365sillyholidays or #dailygigglefest

You can find my Instagram link on the right hand side bar.

Don't have Instagram? 

I will be posting these to my Facebook page as well.
You can find that link on my sidebar, too.
Follow along, for a daily dose of fun.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Best of 2019

I'm joining in on "Meadow Mist Designs"
Best of 2019 Linky Party.
I can't think of a better way to end the year, than reminiscing over, 
what my fellow bloggers have done.
Thanks Cheryl for the fabulous year, you have provided us. 
You know we can't wait to see what's in store for next year.
I know it will be great!

Our "Sew Incredibly Crazy and Friends" group,
 has kept the us smiling, again this year
Our final block will post on Jan 1, 2020.
I'm excited to start working on my setting, for these fun filled 
seasonal blocks!
It's been "sew"much fun to see the thousands of viewers, versions of our BOM.
Their comments and support have met the world to all of us!
We are looking forward to 2020!
Winky winky!

"BeaQuilter" had us cleaning our sewing rooms, and finding a book 
that got lost in the mess!
It was scary task...but my quest came up with this book,
along with a slightly cleaner room.
I dug through my hand dyes and created the background for this "indoor garden". 
You know, the flowers I can't kill!

Christmas came in April this year, when Nan Baker and
 Margaret Brewster Willingham,
kicked off their new book with a blog hop.
I was lucky enough to be chosen to make this bright and cheery
Advent Tree. 
Minus one ornament.
Have you ever tried to find Christmas ornaments in April?
Amazon to the rescue. They had 1 set available, but unfortunately it came 
with a broken one. 

"Island Batik" kicked off their new lines of fabric this summer, 
with the "Beat the Heat" blog hop.
I look my "Sunny Side Up" fabrics and created this fun quilt
from Cheryl Brown's "Fresh and Fabulous" quilt book.
What better place to beat that heat, but by "the ole car pond"?

Carla from "Creatin' in the Sticks" hosted this fun hop.
 I went right to a book from my favorite "Queen" of scraps
Bonnie Hunter...
...to create this "Zucherwatte" quilt.
That's "cotton candy" to most of us!
Not a girl in sight, but a houseful of boys, yet I managed to find enough pink 
in my stash for this! Score one for our stash piles!
One can hope, my new grand baby coming next year will be a girl!
Fingers crossed!

That grand baby isn't the only exciting thing happening around here next year...
I'm over the drama of this decade and ready for a change.
New decade now attitude...I'm laughing my way into the new year.
Starting with 365 Silly Holidays!
Did you know there's a holiday for every day of the year?
It's true, and you can follow me on Instagram to see them all.
I will be posting a mini 8"x10" quiltie daily celebrating the day.
It's a crazy idea, but my fingers have been working away on it, and I'm excited
to start sharing...
You can find me on Instagram, with the link on my right hand side bar.
Heck, you can even join in when the spirit moves you.
Just use #365SillyHolidays  or  #DailyGiggleFest

It's time to turn those frowns upside down in the new year!
The "Quilt Qwazy Queens will be celebrating "Worldwide Quilting Day" in March 
with a fun filled blog hop... "Making Us Laugh" 
Won't you join us?
You can find all the information 

Looking forward to what the new year brings each and every one of you!
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop

I do hope you all had a wonderful Christmas,
with lots memories made!
Now that the shopping, wrapping, cleaning and cooking are done,
it's time to focus on what's next.
Worldwide Quilting Day is March 21st.
It's a day to celebrated quilt makers around the globe.
We can "drool" over their talents, admire their love of  the art, 
and realize just what an incredible community, quilters are.

2020 starts a new decade, and I say...new decade, new attitude.
 I can't think of a better way to ring it in, than with a big ole 
Everyone can use a little laughter in their day.
"Psychology Today" says "laughter just might  be the most contagious
of all emotional experiences. What's more, it is full-on 
collaboration between mind and body.
The Benefits of Laughter...
Although laughter is not generally under voluntary control, "yukking" it up has numerous health benefits. Bouts of laughter can boost the immune system, relax muscles, aid circulation and protect against heart disease. They abet mental health, too. Laughter can lower anxiety, release tension, improve mood and foster resilience. Of course laughter also enriches social experience, by strengthening relationships, helping to defuse conflict, and allowing people to successfully operate as a team. The benefits of laughter, for both bodies and minds, show that contagious convulsions are anything but frivolous.

 Laughter and quilting have a lot of similarities, don't you think?
So with that being said...
This year's "Quilt Qwazy Queens" Worldwide Quilting Day's theme is
"Making Us Laugh".

The rules are simple...
Make something "quilty" that will..."Make us Laugh".
Share in a post on your assigned day with a list of your fellow blog hoppers.
You could do a tutorial, or share a pattern, have a give away or not have one.
It's totally up to you. Visit every one's blog during the hop and leave your sweet comments.
Those really do make us smile!

Want to be part of this giggle-fest?
Send me an email with "making us laugh" in the subject line.
and the following information...

Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL
a preference of dates, if you have any.

The "QQQ" blog hop will start on Wednesday March 18.
My plan is 18th, 19th. 20th, 23rd and 24th.
We won't run it on Saturday or Sunday the 21st-22nd.
Of course we can extend it on, if needed.
"Sew" who wants to jump in and make us laugh?
Please feel free to share the QQQ Making Us Laugh button at the top!

A big thanks to Marian at "Seams To Be Sew" who has hosted this hop,
 for many years.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas to All!

If your leaving milk and cookies out for Santa tonight,
you might just want to put them on these adorable holiday mugrugs!
While they are called Ugly Sweaters...there's nothing ugly about them.
You can find these and many other of Cindy's fun patterns

We here in the "MooseStash" wish each and every one of you,
 a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Saturday, December 21, 2019

It's never to late for shopping!

The machines in the MooseStash have been running at warp speed, 
and soon I will be able to share...

It's a crazy busy time of the year, but if you have a few minutes, 
 visit Annies today.
They are having a 50% off sale on 1000+ pattern downloads.
Here are a few...

I'm planning ahead for next year with these great finds...

There's lots more to see.
If you love knitting, crochet, needlework or sewing, you won't want to miss this sale.
Best yet...there's no shipping. These are immediate downloads!

Happy Shopping!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'