Sunday, June 28, 2020

July Words to Grow By BOM

This month we are stretching!
Carla from "Creatin' in the Sticks has designed the cutest block.
Yep we are stretching our necks out and "Reach"ing for new heights!
It's kind of ironic how these blocks apply to our world today.
We are "reach"ing out a bit, as we emerge from quarantine more and more every day.
You can find the pattern over at "Creatin in the Sticks"

Remember, blocks are released the 1st of each month.
All the blocks are free in the month that they are released.
They will be available after that, with a small fee.
We would love for you to share your blocks with us on our Facebook page

Not a fan of tracing your applique shapes?
Check out EZ Print from Thermoweb. 
These printer friendly sheets take the hassle out of applique!
Below is a list of all the blocks for this BOM with links.
Sew Incredibly Crazy
Moose Stash Quilting
Creatin' in the Sticks
Moose Stash Quilting
Sew Incredibly Crazy

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Stitching Sunshine Blog Hop

We all need a little sunshine in our lives these days.
2020 has been one for the records so far.
Covid, protests, crazy weather...
Have you ever heard of a Derecho?
We had one here a few weeks ago. 
Its a large powerful thunderstorm with straight line winds,
 that cause widespread destruction.
80 mph winds, ripped out 2 of our almost 100 year old trees.
Many old trees in town were destroyed, store windows were blown out,
 campers flipped, roofs blown off, oil tanks under construction collapsed. 
It was quick and crazy.
Power went out, but thankfully we were only effected for about 2 1/2 hours.
It took 2 1/2 days, for many to get theirs back.

I'm hoping in my heart of hearts that it blew away any signs of the Covid virus
and we can all get back to normal now.
With all this going on, it's hard to focus on the good in life some times.
So I turned to NPR (National Public Radio) one day 
and was listening to a psychologist talking about
ways to deal with all the stress.
Her recommendation was to  
What you ask???

It was then, that I  knew what my Stitching Sunshine project had to be.
Yellow isn't a color I work with  much, but after searching stash, 
I found a piece, that I hand dyed a few years ago, that would work quite nicely...

...and I started stitching my sunshine.

This is my "Smile" quilt. 
A reminder, that it's the only thing we can do some days.

This little 23"x 33" quiltie with simple text 
and some straight line quilting, sends a message, 
I love seeing when I go into my quilt room every day.

...and if you need another reason to smile

With all the destruction from our "Derecho",
my toilet planter was untouched!

So thank you Carla, for helping get us out of our "funk"
 by stitching a little "Sunshine".
Do you ever find yourself thinking the universe is telling you something?
Just after I finished writing the post, I treated myself to a dark chocolate
"Dove" bar.
You know how they always share words of wisdom on their sticks...
Yep, it's a sign I tell you.
And if "Dove Bars" tell you  so, you know it has to be the gospel!

Please visit my fellow bloggers and see what is sunny, 
in their neck of the woods.
Monday, June 22nd

Tuesday, June 23rd

Wednesday, June 24th

Thursday, June 25th

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Watermelon Time

Summer is here and this week Thermoweb is celebrating the outdoors.
We all love being able to picnic outdoors...and it's the safest way to go 
in our current Covid situation, too.

So lets dress up our tables with fun placemats.
you can create waterproof placemats, in a snap.
Visit me on the Thermoweb blog  HERE  for the free pattern.
As an added bonus, there is a pattern for the watermelon trivet top also.

Anyone want to join me by the ole car pond, for a slice of "Watermelon"?

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Friday, June 5, 2020

Fabric Fix

Being cooped up for so long just stinks.
I know your as tired of it all as I am.
My quilt retreat to Lancaster PA was cancelled, and not that I needed a thing...
but Lancaster is the greatest place to go fabric shopping!
Quilt shops were closed, JoAnn's fabric, Hobby Lobby closed.
What little Wal-Mart had, was long gone with the mask making craze going on.
No place to even tough or feel something new.
What is a quilter to do?????
Marshall Dry Goods, was the answer.
While so many companies were taking a month or better 
to get their orders shipped, Arkansas didn't seem to have 
the strict quarantine orders the rest of the country did.
I've ordered twice since all this started and it took about a week for both orders.

When I saw their email about novelty prints...I just could't help myself.

Duck Dynasty fabrics will be made into masks for the annual
"Ducks Unlimited" banquet.

but for the rest...
I do love my coffee..and this "Saturday Evening Post Grateful for Coffee" Fabric...
and this Audrey Hepburn style "Fabulous Best Friends" fabric is too much fun!
But lets face it, "The Power of Wine" just speaks to my soul!
Everyone loves Olaf, right?
These "House Dogs" will be great for Kennel Quilts.
My all time favorite is the "Keebler Elves".
I have no idea just what the heck I am going to do with these funny fabrics, 
but I love em.
With the exception of the Duck Dynasty fabrics, there is a yard of everything.
Any suggestions????
I'd love to hear them.
I was just proof reading this post and there was a knock at the door.
A box of fabric from a friend, who knows me "waaaaaay" to well!
Ironic as it is, she used a "Keebler" box!
You know you just can't make this stuff up.
Thank you Laura, your awesome.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Thursday, June 4, 2020

It's Pre-Cut Week at Thermoweb

We all love pre-cuts!
Fat Quarters, strips, squares, turnovers...
They are the delightful "eye candy" we've grown to love.
But it's not just this yummy fat quarter stack...
But it's those "Tootsie Rolls and Pops" too.
Yep, I am the mom who stole all the tootsie rolls from my kids candy bags.
With the help of 
and my trusty bowl of "Tootsies"
I made this quick and easy lap size quilt.
Just right for lounging by the "old car pond".
Head over to the Thermoweb blog 
today and check it out.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'