Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Turkey MugRug with a Twist

With Thanksgiving upon us, we turn our thought to "Turkey" of course.
This little mugrug will bring a smile to those of all ages.
You can find the free pattern on the Thermoweb blog

Save some room after your dinner tomorrow, because Carol's "Virtual Cookie Exchange" blog hop starts next Tuesday. There is a great lineup of bloggers just waiting to share their favorite holiday recipes and project with you! 

I am feeling the need to find my super stretchy sweatpants for this one, already!

Wishing you a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

Don't miss the great Black Friday sale at Thermoweb.
Check it out  HERE

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I already told you I loved this, but it!

  2. Super cute!!!! Perfect for a Thanksgiving table.

  3. What a cute mug it!!

  4. That drew an involuntary 'awwwwwww'!!! I don't normally decorate for Thanksgiving but I love this guy.

  5. wow.what a cute blog and great post.thanks for share

    clipping path

  6. I hope your Thanksgiving went really well.
    I can imagine your little turkey mat/ cutlery holder looking great on the table.
    And I gather that the postal service between our countries has outdone itself this time if my notification was correct. That is a shock.


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