Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Changing again...

 I have just updated my email subscription service.

Sorry folks, but you may be getting emails from MailChimp asking you to activate your subscription.

It's all a learning experience for me. I'm just trying to get ahead of Feedburner going away in July.

My mind is fried with all this tech stuff.

It's time for me to get into my happy place and start stitching!

See you soon.


  1. I think I'm a bit fried for the same reason! Dang new fangled technology! LOL

  2. I know you and Carol will get the hang of it! I've used Mailchimp for years, but it's changed a little over the past year and have had to get used to it all over again! LOL

  3. It’s all up hill from here. Good luck. I’ll follow.

  4. I think this is the beginning of the end for bloggers I am afraid to say. They keep taking stuff away and no explanation of how to do things they do change. The next big social media thing to happen will destroy blogging. So I am not bothering to deal with Mail Chimp. I added the Bloglovin' widget because it was easy to do. I haven't had anyone new sign up though.


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