Saturday, September 24, 2022

Hopping into October and November

 Carol didn't fail to delight us with her "Queen of Gadgets" blog hop this month, did she? I don't know about you, but I have a list of new things I need to have in my sewing room. Thanks Carol for another fabulous hop!

As we are moving into fall, October brings us, my OUR favorite holiday...Halloween.

"Gremlins, Goblins and Ghouls OH My" hop is coming!
Mark it on your calendar because you won't want to miss one scary moment of it.

It pretty much goes without saying, anything Halloween is perfect for this hop.
There are still a few openings, if you haven't signed up yet.
Drop me an email with your name, your blog name, your blog URL and your email address.

November, Carla is hosting... 
The Challenge:
Carla says...
Create something to do with MUSIC
Do you have a song that inspires you or a tune you listen to when you sew?
Do you love a particular instrument or know someone who does?
Maybe something, anything, that's music to your heart
Does your Mary have a little lamb?
Do you have music fabric you need to use?
You decide.
The there is really your own interpretation, surprise us!
I say...we can all drive her crazy with the Baby Shark song!

Send her an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL
You can read more on her hop HERE

As with all blog hops we do have a few rules...

Post on your assigned day at 12:00 am Eastern time.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment. Make friends!!!!

We are changing things up a bit for next year...
No, we are not going away, but there are some changes we are very excited about.
We will be sharing more on this soon, so keep an eye out for the big announcement!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'


  1. I just sent Carla a mail. After months away from your blog hops, I'm in again. So fun with a change for next year. Hope it will bring as much joy as always.

  2. I just finished a top that would fall into this category sort of, so sign me up if you got spots left!?


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!