Monday, October 17, 2022

Gremlins, Goblins and Ghouls OH MY! Blog Hop Day 1

It's here, the day we have been waiting a whole year for...
and our bloggers did not disappoint. 

Carol showed us just how to use a panel print in a way that every Gremlin, Goblin and Ghoul would go crazy for!
Denise told us all about the McPike Mansion then designed the perfect one herself. Now just how fun is that?
Daryl delighted us with bright and cheery quilt that made my heart sing! Oh how I love Halloween!
Julia showed us a way to use a rainbow die that never in a million years, would have crossed my mind. Best yet, she shared just how to do it too. I want to make this fun Halloween mini!
Kris shared a tutorial on making a "Boo-ti-ful"  Halloween wall hanging. It's so much fun and yes, I see my "must do" project list growing here! 

Oh so many bright and cheerful Halloween goodies today! 
It makes me wish Halloween was everyday.

Tomorrow we have 5 more bloggers who are ready to scare, I mean share.
til next time...
Keep on Stitchin



  1. So many awesome projects already shared. Looking forward to tomorrow, and all of the rest.

  2. Such a great first day and a super thought of the day too. Thank you for hosting this fun blog hop!

  3. Looking forward to today's fun posts. I will be printing the thought for the day.


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!