Thursday, December 1, 2022

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange is Coming Your Way!

 Cookies...did someone say cookies?

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum...

Yep, it's that time of the year again. That wonderful time when Carol over at 
"Just Let Me Quilt" hosts her virtual cookie exchange blog hop.
This year, we have 28 bloggers sharing their favorite holiday recipes and projects with us.
It's a guarantee, that this will put even the biggest "Scrooge" in the mood for the holidays!

So mark your calendars... 
...and I will see you on Tuesday, when it's my day to share!


  1. I am really looking forward to checking out all the lovely projects and recipes for this special blog hop. And I'm really excited to be participating in January's blog hop. Happy quilting! -Andrea

  2. I'm sure I'll gain a few pounds just reading the yummy posts...I can't wait!

  3. Awww geez - I can feel the poundage going on just at the thought of it!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!