Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Which Way to Witchville BOM - June


"Wicked or Wacky Witch"
Which Witch are you?
 This pattern comes with an assortment of little "witchy" additions you can add if you choose.
You can purchase the pattern in my Etsy Shop.
"Spell Binders"
Carla is sharing all her secrets in her books of potions and you can find the pattern over at "Creatin in the Sticks"

"Carols Creepy Cottage" 
You can find the best place to stay in town over at "Just Let Me Quilt"

You can also find the download for these patterns on our Cackling Stitches Facebook group page
You will find it at the top of the page in the Featured Posts tab.

This BOM runs from Jan 1st through September 30th. As with years past, on the first day of each month, we will release block patterns on our Facebook group page, that will be free for that calendar month. They will then go into our individual ETSY shops, where you can purchase them for $2 each block.  We have had emails and fielded many questions, so what is "new" this year, is that the entire pattern is now available in each of our ETSY shops for $15.  You no longer have to wait until it's over, to be able to purchase the pattern. It's also an option for those of "us" who just can't wait for the next months release. LOL!! 

We hope you appreciate the time we put into creating this BOM and understand that we are keeping the costs to a minimum for you. We ask that you respect our copyrights and do not share this pattern. Your welcome to direct your friends to our Cackling Stitches Group Facebook page HERE, or any of our blogs and Etsy shops

MooseStashQuilting ETSY Shop

Just Let Me Quilt Blog - Just Let Me Quilt ETSY Shop

Creatin' in the Sticks Blog - Create in the Sticks ETSY Shop

May Blocks

"Village Cobbler"

"Beware of Witchville"

April Blocks

"Cauldron Cafe"
Blog - "MooseStashQuilting"

"Magic Wand Salon"

"Winona Grimm"

March Blocks

"Flying Lessons"

Witchville Gala Night

Flying Geese - free pattern throughout the BOM
Download the pattern HERE

February Blocks

Witchville Bakery 
An Apple a Day 

 January Block

Town Square

Now fire up your machines and start sharing your blocks with us, on our Facebook page!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

It's My Day "Rose Colored Glasses" Blog Hop

 This month Carol challenged us with a theme of "Rose Colored Glasses".

It's been a long time, but this "Moose-kateer" is back and sporting her beautiful

 "Rose Colored Glasses"

This challenge stumped me a bit, but when cleaning up some of my fabric mess once again, I stumbled on a piece of snow dyed fabric that I have been hanging onto for way too long. I love my hand dyes and crazy as it sounds, cutting into them is hard. I keep them because they are pretty, which makes it pretty silly to even bother dying fabric, if I'm not going to use it.

Snow dying frequently ends up with "Monet" looking results, so flowers just seemed to be a must.

Without further ado, let me introduce 

"Mavis the Moose"

This is a combination of a floral design from the book "Flower Show Quilts", and a rubber stamp from "Whipper Snapper Designs". It's so much fun to sit down and play with combining things.
The border fabric is also a hand dye fabric and I worked out all the the math for my quilting, to make a nice frame effect...All was well, until I had a senior moment, and cut off all that math I had done, when trimming it all up. 
Let's just say, Mavis had to plug her ears!
But that is a secret between you, me and Mavis!

A big thanks to Carol for hosting this months challenge and to all of you for visiting with us here in the MooseStash, today.

Please stop in and see what my fellow bloggers have been up to and leave them a little love...
We all love reading your comments. They really do make our day and keep us connected with each other.
It's been a fun week, seeing everyone's rosy projects! 
You can find the complete schedule HERE, if you missed anything.
We have another "Rosey"celebration coming this weekend.
Saturday my youngest son is getting married, so while it's a rosey time it's also a crazy time, here. I will respond to all my comments, if you are not a no-reply blogger, but it may take a few days. 

Next month I will be hosting 

Show us you PIGS!
PIGS - Projects in Grocery Sacks
UFOS -Unfinished Objects
WIPs - Works in Progress

Drop me an email if you want to join in.
There's always room for you!

In July, Carol is back and hosting "Picnic Party"!
Drop her an email and show us your favorite picnic theme projects.

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Sunday, May 14, 2023

I'd Be Lion...

I'd be lion if I didn't tell you I love this guy!

I needed a diversion from my normal stitching and "Larry the Lion" from 
"Funky Friend Factory" was a great way to play.
Maybe it was when I went looking for something and a ton of old furs and fleeces in my stash fell out of the cabinet. I bet this stuff is over 20 years old. 
It was definitely time to use it up.

I enlarged the pattern to 150% so this big guy is 18" tall and 17" wide. There is no way I could have used these fabrics in the original pattern size
My machine didn't love all those thick layers and my hands kept cramping while working on it, but it was so worth all the effort. 
I also used velvet from a dress I found at a thrift store years ago, for his nose and feet. 
While his nose is a little wonky, it just give him more personality!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. After all perfection is highly over-rated!
Larry was for "little man" but when you have a big sister who thinks everything is hers...
Well, she get a pink elephant!
I also enlarged this one by's my mission to use up stuff that I have here, so the biggest I can make, is best!  Oh, but all that stuffing and housing for all these big guys! Will that stop me... heck no, I have more friends waiting in line to be stitched!

til next time...
Keep on Stitchin'

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Rose Colored Glasses Sew it-Show Challenge Starts Monday

We all know that life can be a challenge from time to time, but this month,
Carol is taking that challenge to the bright side, by looking at it through
Rose Colored Glasses!

24 fabulous bloggers are sharing their projects with us and
you won't want to miss one uplifting one of them!


Just Let Me Quilt

Selina Quilts

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

That Fabric Feeling

Days Filled With Joy

Words & Stitches



Sew Many Yarns

Quilt Schmilt

Podunk Pretties

Quilted Snail

Quilting Gail

Texas Quilt Gal





Karrin’s Crazy World



The Crafty Grammie




Just Because Quilts

Quilted Delights

Vroomans Quilts

Karen's Korner

Ms P Designs USA

Our next month's challenge is all about those pesky projects that we haven't finished. If you haven't joined already, you might want to look in the corners of your sewing area and see if there isn't something you can finish and share with us, too! 
Drop me an email if your interested. There are a few spaces left!
Crazy as it seems, we will be at the half way point of the year before you know it.
Summertime in the USA is picnic time for us and Carol is hosting a "Picnic Party"
challenge. Show us your favorite picnic projects! 
Send all your info to her and join in on the fun!

I will see you bright and early on Thursday, with my rose colored glasses on!

til then...

Keep on Stitchin'