Monday, August 21, 2023

Call Me Crazy Sew It-Show It Challenge Day 1


What a great kick off we had for this challenge today.

  • Selena took the cake with crazy, I think. Some days it just doesn't pay to volunteer for anything. LOL!! Her tree skirt is beautiful, though. I'm hoping she doesn't have to make more than one of them, or we may never see her again. 
  • Gail shared her crazy quilted book cover made from her delicious Island Batik fabrics. They really do make projects sing!
  • Charlene got my attention with her fusible applique Unicorn quilts. They are absolutely adorable and well they are done in my favorite method of quilting. :-)
  • Beth blew my mind with the spectacular quilt she came up with when given a bag of some t-shirts and PJ bottoms to work with. This is definitely one I need to remember when my turn comes around to make a memory quilt.
  • I shared my "My Favorite Things" monster quilt that my grandies have claimed and taken over as theirs now. 💕I have added a note to my original post. Red Boot Quilt Company announced they will be adding part of the pattern to their free page this week.
It was a great day, wasn't it?

Tomorrow these bloggers with be sharing their "Crazy" with us

Tuesday August 22

Karrin’s Crazy World




Happy Cottage Quilter

You can find the complete schedule HERE


You can see all our projects for this hop on our Pinterest Board HERE

I had  a big boo-boo moment this morning. I accidently published my unfinished guest blog post, instead of saving it and it went out in an email already. I have taken it down and finished the post. I do apologize for that. I do hope you visit her post on Wednesday, now that it's complete.

Some days just make me...well CRAZY!

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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  1. Too funny about your second post, and love that crazy smile face!

  2. I've always enjoyed reading your blog! I'm creeping my way back into blogging and so happy to see my online quilty friends again!


Thanks for stopping by today. Your comments really do make me day!