Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Call Me Crazy Sew It- Show It Challenge Day 3


  • Turid has been busy with her charming fabric bowls and crazy quilt pin cushions, but her 1/4" hexi quilt with 17,000 pieces has blown me away. You just have to see it to believe it.
  • Carol gets the award for being even crazier than me. LOL!! I'm not sure that's anything to brag about, but wow, she has been super crazy with all her projects. Us "crazy" quilters just need way more hours in our day, don't we?
  • Sharon and Susan our creative team from Ms P Designs USA each rocked the crazy with their projects that had to be shelved because life got in the way! We all know that feeling way to well.
  • Moira took a challenge to the limits, with a crazy idea that came out with spectacular results. Way to go!
  • Joi, my guest blogger and long time friend, took on her biggest challenge so far. Best yet, her cousin joined in on the fun and those two girls along with some great travel opportunities, got their quilts done in record time 

Tomorrow we wrap up all the crazy fun with these fabulous bloggers 

You can find the complete schedule HERE.

All the projects for this hop can be found on our Pinterest page HERE, as well.

 til next time...

 Keep on Stitchin'

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you. I did read and mostly commented on each of the posts even though I'd missed a couple of days. It was a journey that was 'totally worth it" and that may make me a bit crazy, too. :)


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