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Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Twist to the 60's Batik Blog Hop
Well there...welcome to my TWISTed take of the 60's .
Thanks to two of the coolest SKIRTS in town, our fav STONE FOX'S...Madame Samm, and Mary. You two have sure brought us right back to our youth! :-) Just in case your memory is fuzzy, you can check out this link for the meaning of the 60's lingo right here...
I'd like to introduce 3 lovely Bawdy BATIK Beauties. Don't kid yourself, we/they were all those flower children of the 60's, who just don't want to grow up!
First up
Now leave me a comment and share your favorite memory of the 60's.
I will be drawing 1 name for a yard of this wild and wacky fabric.
While it's not a batik, it is one of my Sateen Snow Dye fabrics.
This hop is over on Oct 4th, so that's the day I will pick my winner.
Hop on over to see what kind of twist my fellow bloggers are putting on life today!
Thanks to two of the coolest SKIRTS in town, our fav STONE FOX'S...Madame Samm, and Mary. You two have sure brought us right back to our youth! :-) Just in case your memory is fuzzy, you can check out this link for the meaning of the 60's lingo right here...
I'd like to introduce 3 lovely Bawdy BATIK Beauties. Don't kid yourself, we/they were all those flower children of the 60's, who just don't want to grow up!
First up
Gorgeous Ginger, who's talents after her swinging 60's life style, took a turn towards home making. But not giving up all the joys of that era, still prefers cooking in the kitchen with those fish net stocking on! We used to call it BA!
Way to go Ginger!
We have the Absolutely Awesome Amber, who just never could pass up the chance to dance in the streets. While Marilyn Monroe passed away in 1962, Amber still chooses to re-live that fabulously famous pose,
and at this age no less! Bitchin!
We have every one's favorite bar hop, Ravishing Roxy!
Oh, that Gilhooley's bar will never be the same again.
She can still put "her" twist on the place, after all these years!
Complete with a drag, and a tattoo too. Is that like a double negative?
So there you have it, 3 of the most fabulous broads of the 60's, still living life to the fullest. (no pun intended, yea right)
Looks like the moral to this story is, that no one really has to grow up!
60's baby...
That's real flower power!
(compliments of photobucket)
I've got to admit that looking thru the Official 60's web site, was like a blast to the past!
Memba these...
They sure made me chuckle!
Ohhh, and that that famous slug bug game?
I can't tell you just how many bruises my arm suffered due to those darn little cars!
I sure don't remember the safety pin clause either.
What about you?
Those were the days my friend!
Now leave me a comment and share your favorite memory of the 60's.
I will be drawing 1 name for a yard of this wild and wacky fabric.
While it's not a batik, it is one of my Sateen Snow Dye fabrics.
This hop is over on Oct 4th, so that's the day I will pick my winner.
Hop on over to see what kind of twist my fellow bloggers are putting on life today!
Moose Stash Quilting ( your here)
PS: if your wonderin' these beauties are more of those fun patterns from the Quiltery in Australia! You now I just can't get enough of em!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Portraits of Alaska
On one of my first trips to Homer Alaska, I saw this BOM in their LQS, Seams to Bee, which sadly is gone now.
It summed up all the beautiful things I saw in their lovely state.
Polar Bears
It summed up all the beautiful things I saw in their lovely state.
Before I could get 2 feet past the register I had signed up for the BOM!
Salmon run
Brown bear
(and this one isn't me for once)
(like the great hunter shot below)
Sea Otter
Polar Bears
They covered it all.
The fabrics just make this quilt sing don't they?
I really want one for me now!
This quilt went to my youngest...
The Alaska kid at heart!
Just a note: I am no hunter and didn't let the boys play with toy guns growing up.
So where does this hunting thing come from? I must confess, Ole Boo, hangs over my fireplace and strangely enough I just love seeing him every day. If you have never eaten Caribou, it's fantastic.
I shudder to say that Moose is just as good! Sorry MooseStash, but its true!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Memories from My First Official Quilt Class
The year was 2002...
Time, was finally going to allow for me to take a class and learn about this crazy quilting kick I was about to venture into.
Time, was finally going to allow for me to take a class and learn about this crazy quilting kick I was about to venture into.
An Irish Chain Quilt
We had to pick out 5 fabrics and our background...
We loaded up our embroidery machines and headed to the shop.
I will never forget watching the instructor, tap dancing around telling me my color choices were horrible.
She hated the grayish purple fabric, but I knew it "all" then. After all, I had never really had any real quilt training before that. So at that point I really did think I knew it all... LOL!!
My crazy quiltin' sista, Ruth had a new long arm, and was all to willing to quilt it for me, silly girl. Wonder just how straight it really was? I think for a long arm newbie, she did a fabulous job.
Now about those colors!
I must admit, while it probably is not the best choice on earth, I still love it.
Maybe it's just that "first quilt" high we all get!
Sorry quilt instructor, Kate!
I know you were right, but I just didn't know it at the time!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Pin It Winner
Last day of our blog hop. That is always a sad time for me, but "WOW" did everyone have some fabulous pin cushions to share. From the beautiful stitcheries, to the wild and wacky fuzzy cactus, each and every one had a personality that spoke volumes. I don't know about you, but my list of new pin cushions I think I have to have has grown by leaps and bounds.
The winner of my little give a way is, non other than the fabulous...SueMac. Here is her response to my asking about using pins! From the looks of the responses, I am about the only one who thought she could sew without a pin! But good for the rest of you, because it really didn't work out so well for me! LOL! Sometimes those life lessons are a "bite" to learn! tee hee

Saturday, September 14, 2013
Can't we just be nice???
Recently I was at Costco, and saw a customer screaming at an employee, because he had "hidden" something he wanted to purchase, the day before, in the TV aisle and it was not there anymore... Really??? He was just irate. She was telling him that they are required to clean up their departments and put things back where they belong, and that it likely was put away within 30 minutes of when it was left there.
All I could think was, this is Costco folks, there are probably 100 more just like it back where you found it to begin with. Can't you just walk back and pick up another one????
When did it become acceptable to scream at someone due to stupidity or because you don't want to "follow the rules" or even take responsibility for you own actions? Something we sadly see every day, anymore!
It reminded me of something that happened a couple of years back. One of the wheel chair attendants at the airport came back with this little card a passenger had given her. It said something on the lines of... You have made my day, I can't thank you enough. It was a sweet little hand made business card, that said so much. If only I had one of those with me at Costco.
I was fortunate enough to get in the line with the employee who had just been put thru the proverbial ringer! We shared stories of abuse from customers we have encountered and had a good laugh. A quick hug between us and I was on my way, with this warm and wonderful feeling. I just may have made someones day.
Today, I ran across this blog post at Pink Flamingo.
All I could think was, this is Costco folks, there are probably 100 more just like it back where you found it to begin with. Can't you just walk back and pick up another one????
When did it become acceptable to scream at someone due to stupidity or because you don't want to "follow the rules" or even take responsibility for you own actions? Something we sadly see every day, anymore!
It reminded me of something that happened a couple of years back. One of the wheel chair attendants at the airport came back with this little card a passenger had given her. It said something on the lines of... You have made my day, I can't thank you enough. It was a sweet little hand made business card, that said so much. If only I had one of those with me at Costco.
I was fortunate enough to get in the line with the employee who had just been put thru the proverbial ringer! We shared stories of abuse from customers we have encountered and had a good laugh. A quick hug between us and I was on my way, with this warm and wonderful feeling. I just may have made someones day.
Today, I ran across this blog post at Pink Flamingo.
I love these little Russian Dolls and would they make adorable gift cards?
These would be perfect for those moments when someone makes your day.
You certainly would not have to make them so elaborate,
after all it's the thought that counts.
But I love these!
I am putting the call out.
Make up a few cards, and pass them along to the people who might just need a pick me up. There are plenty of free business card designs online, that would be easy enough to print off. Put a little message on appreciation on the back, and pass them out!
To who, you ask???
Top of my list would be someone in a customer service..
They take a lot of "abuse" from many, with a smile on their face!
Who would be on your list?
I challenge you, to start the trend, to bring a smile to someone who has truly made your day.
One card at a time!
Friday, September 13, 2013
It'a raining...it's pouring
It's the epic 100 year flood!
Those, in Colorado are in the throws of Mother Nature's rath.
The irrigation ditch has overflowed and is running thru my yard. But I so consider myself lucky. Many many more, are way worse off than me.
Guess I won't need to water the yard for awhile now! LOL!
Yes this is the mess I came home to yesterday after a fabulous quilt retreat in Redstone Colorado. It was beautiful up there!
This historic hotel was built in the early 1900's
It was a fabulous place to retreat in. The rooms were huge and perfect for setting up tables for quilting.
These things caught our attention on our drive in, so a walk up to see just what they were, was in order first!
There was a considerable amount of restoration that has been done.
and they left some of them untouched
Seeing the insides of these old ovens gave a hint as to just how hot they burned...
Can you imagine something so hot that brick starts to melt?
What an interesting piece of history!
A stroll thru town was just what we needed, before we settled in to stitch.
This birdhouse was at the church.
Pretty cool huh?
Ye ole General Store, complete with the General on the front.
It was an antique candy store inside with an ice cream shop
Way cool!
The flower gardens were spectacular.
But signs of fall were starting to show.
Hard to believe it was so beautiful here, when just 3 hours from home it was flooding!
Our drive home was uneventful thank goodness.
Especially when I get home to see the pictures of other places so close by.
We are more than lucky!
The water started receding here about 6pm last night.
But it's raining again today!
My plants are thrilled to see water, but there is a limit here folks!
Again, I can't stress how lucky I am. The little water in my basement is nothing to the people who are loosing everything just west of me.
Our road was closed on both sides of our place. The water from my yard was nothing compared to the raging river running thru the neighbors.
The road is likey to wash out down there. It was a pretty scary sight!
I'm going to stay inside and finish up my retreat project.
Oh yes it's a secret.
You'll see it at a blog hop real soon!
Sending best wishes the storm victims all over the state. Our prayers are with you!
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Next week "Twist to the 60's with Batiks" blog hop starts. I have been working my fingers to the bone and can hardly wait to share with you... but you know you have to wait! :-) Can I throw out a little hint you ask????? Well, it is a trio... but that's all I can say! Stay tuned...
I am off to see what the last day of "Pin It" has to offer. Won't you join me in visiting these bloggers today?
Pssssst...you know they always save the best for last! :-)